How do I Enter Trail Cameras?

There are 2 ways to add Trail Cameras to a camp

1. Go to camp home page and click on Add/Edit items at the top of the map

2. Click on the trail cam icon

Point and Click

3. Find location on map where you want to add the camera and click the left mouse button

4. Enter the camera info on the pop up window.

5. Click save, it will take you back to the edit map.

6. Return to camp home if you are done. Top left corner of map.

Using Longitude and Latitude Coordinates

3. Make sure your coordinates are in Decimal format. Use to convert.

4. Enter the Longitude and Latitude coordinates.

5. Either hit enter or click on the Add Trail Camera Link to the right of the coordinates.

6. Enter the camera info on the pop up window.

7. Click save, it will take you back to the edit map.

8. Return to camp home if you are done. Top left corner of map.